Long time ago CWB made a website called STWB (sustainable tourism without border). The intention of the website is to promote each country’s activities and products to domestic market and even overseas.
In order to appeal the viewer or customer, we need to make an interesting content (such as a good photo or good editing). So, IT team wanted to help other community by teaching them on how to use photoshop. We held photoshop class via skype once every week, taught by Mr kriss and me.
Many people from the 7 countries joined this class (Indonesia, Japan, Cambodia, Nepal, Philippine, India and Myanmar). There are high school students and also adults. Each person has their own reason for joining the photoshop class. High school students wanted to learn for a hobby or to learn something new and adults wanted to use the skill for business or work. In the lesson we learned how to make a flyer, promotional design etc.
Some people were also interested in how to design a website, so IT team also held a class on how to do basic programming which is HTML. In this class, students learned how to create their own website design (static website). This class is also held once a week. Taught by Mr. Adi and Mr. Kriss, and translated by me.
Some Students who finished HTML lesson would join the intermediate class of programming. In this class we learned about PHP, the back end of website, where all the process is running. This class is taught by Mr. kriss and translated by me.
IT development in CWB
CWB 7 countries often have project together such as making application etc. IT team collaborated with each country and help with the analysis and technic. In order to make a proper app or website we need to run a logical test and analyze through discussion. This is to ensure proper experience for users and developer (good for app user and also for developer). After the discussion we will provide advice and choices for them, so if we agree we will have some changes in the system. This improvement is also based on the goal and the budget of the person requesting.
For example: Japan and Cambodia team wanted to make an app for their community. They have many good ideas, but sometimes in order to apply the idea on app we need to make flow system (what is the concept? how do it run in reality? etc). after all of that are cleared up and fixed, Mr kriss will apply this system on app technically.
The IT team also joins in the discussion about the future projects, with students and other CWB members such as how to help with Nepal mandala project, how to do virtual tour and more.
Interview from Bruno, answer Mr. Yudha
1.How many members are in the Indonesian IT team?
Indonesia IT team currently have 3 members. Mr Adi, Mr Kriss and me.
2. How many apps have you created for CWB organization?
If we count only apps , there are 3 apps that have been finished. There are: Mottainai (app for stwb), kasethan (farming app) and Ming (CWB new app).
If we include the website. there are 2 Stwb websites (domestic and foreign) and 1 database (for storing all app and website data)
These websites and apps undergo improvement and update version many times. So it takes a long time to perfect just 1 project.
3. Can you tell me the process IT team follows to create the apps?
Usually some members comes up with an idea, then this idea is brought to the discussion with IT team, we analyze and then create the app based on the result of the discussion. please check article above for detail.
4. Could you explain me the purpose of these apps?
-Stwb website is to promote CWB activities and products to the world.
-Database is to store data of website and apps content.
-Mottainai is stwb app version (same purpose as stwb).
-Farming app is to help farmers to manage their farm and cultivate plants. Also as a sharing platform between farmers.
-Ming as a platform of exchanging each country’s skill and information via score feature.
5. How much time does it take to create an app?
Usually 1 project takes about 1-2 months, but there will be improvements and updates in the future because some error could happens and also to add some new feature.
6. What difficulties have you had to develop them??
I do not have any real difficulty, I like to listen, think and discuss. Maybe only a small language barrier.
But in technical side there is difficulty because Mr. Kriss usually develop the apps alone, only he that understands advanced programming in my team, that is why it takes long time to finish 1 project.
7.Are you happy with the result of this work? why?
Sure. When people is happy and satisfied about the project then I am also happy, there is no specific reason, I think.
8. How do you think that IT can help the CWB organization?
Nowadays technology is very important, to learn technology in a positive way means our method and chance to help CWB organization reaching its goal is increasing .
9. Please explain me how the IT team started.
It’s simple but long explanation, sorry could you please check the article above.
10. Apart from the apps that other works you are doing?
In addition to developing websites and apps, the IT team also held classes and discuss many projects to help every problem in the 7 countries.
11.What courses of IT do you do?
We have been doing many courses such as photoshop, programming for beginner and intermediate. and maybe later in the future we will add more.